Cultivating a Healthy Marriage - Dr. Tim Keller
The Second Half of Marriage: : facing the eight challenges of the empty-nest years: Your children are gone or leaving soon. It's time to focus once again on your own future and especially on your marriage. What's in store for the second half? David and Claudia Arp provide answers and practical help in this groundbreaking book. Drawing on their national survey of hundreds of "second-half" couples, the Arps reveal eight marital challenges every long-term marriage faces, and they offer strategies and exercises for meeting each of them. The Second Half of Marriage will challenge you to create a vision for the rest of your life together -- and inspire you to make that vision a reality.
What Did You Expect - Somehow, someway, every marriage becomes a struggle. Everyone’s marriage morphs into something they didn’t intend it to be. At some point you need something sturdier than romance. You need something deeper than shared interests and mutual attraction. You need changed expectations, you need radical commitments, and, most importantly, you need grace. - Recommended by MTW Global Member Care Network
Marriage Remade: This course was recommended by Ken Matlack and their ARP colleagues Suzanne and Jeff. It is a course from the Grow2Serve organization and CIT (Center for Intercultural Training). It would be a great resource for any couple who is going to the mission field right after being married or for the first time together, this course is a TREMENDOUS HELP because it opens your eyes to what you will face as a married couple overseas. The course gives very practical tips, articles, plans and solutions for going through culture shock (and marriage shock/change) together and how to deal with the stress better. Szanne and Jeff say, "I truly wish we would have had this course 20 years ago. I think we both would have been able to navigate our new marriage together much more effectively if we would have had tools like this to start us off on more solid ground."